About the Artist
     Mel Stabin is a graduate of Pratt Institute. He studied the art of watercolor with Ed Whitney and is a signature member of prestigious watercolor societies including the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Watercolor West, and Allied Artists of America.

     For twenty years Mel has conducted workshops, lecturing and demonstrating his approach and techniques of watercolor with groups on location throughout the United States and abroad, and for numerous art societies

     His paintings have been the recipient of national and regional awards, and have been represented in major exhibitions--American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, National Academy of Design, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Watercolor West, Allied Artists of America, Butler Institute of American Art, North East Watercolor Society, New Jersey Watercolor Society, and Pennsylvania Watercolor Society.

     Mel has had sixteen one-man exhibitions of his watercolors. His paintings are in many private and corporate collections. His work can be viewed in the “Featured Artists” section on The New American Gallery website at www.newamgallery.com. Mel has been chosen by the American Watercolor Society to be a director for their 2005-06 exhibitions.

     He has written feature articles for American Artist, The Artist’s Magazine, Watercolor, and Watercolor Magic.

     Mel is the author of Watercolor: Simple, Fast, & Focused and The Figure in Watercolor: Simple, Fast, & Focused published by Watson-Guptill.
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copyright 2000 Mel Stabin