Described as “one of the most definitive instructional videos on the art of watercolor painting done to date.”

Mel Stabin’s simple manner of describing exactly what he is doing as he does it invites the viewer to experience the process of painting with him.

This video is unique in that Mel goes beyond lecturing on just technique. Emphasis is placed on the essence of watercolor, concern for design, color and value relationships, and creating dynamic shapes. The liquid quality of the washes and the deft handling of calligraphy is apparent and intimately portrayed through many close-ups. The color is rich as is Mel’s verbal and visual  description of the Southeast Lighthouse as the camera moves fluidly from palette to painting to the actual lighthouse flawlessly.

The video is of the highest professional quality and was beautifully filmed with a two-camera set-up.

It is documentary in character and captures the feeling of Block Island. VHS. 47 minutes.
To order, send check or money order for $45 plus $4 S&H (NJ & NY residents please add tax) to:
Mel Stabin, 147 Ashley Place, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656.
Outside of US, check must be in US dollars and made payable through a US bank or you may pay by postal money order in US dollars.
For Canada, add $5 S&H. For Europe, add $9 S&H.

For orders outside the US and Canada, please note that this video is in NTSC format (not PAL) so be sure your VCR can play this format.



A different kind of video.

This video is somewhat unique in that there are few that have been done of painting a person in a natural environment. Filmed at the Target Rock National Wildlife Refuge in Lloyd Neck, New York, the video begins with Mel describing his painting equipment. He then explores every phase of the painting process and clearly describes his thoughts and methodology from sketch to finished painting. Mel shares his knowledge of design principles, composition, color/value relationships, and more. The atmosphere of the day and the essence of the clothed model are captured with luminous, transparent washes seen through many close-ups. The camera follows every gesture of Mel painting, from his palette to the fluid application of paint. A series of Mel’s paintings, twenty in all, are shown throughout the video accompanied by soothing classical music.

The video is rich in color and of the highest professional quality. It was beautifully filmed with a two-camera set-up and state of the art editing. VHS. 59 minutes.
To order, send check or money order for $49 plus $4 S&H (NJ & NY residents please add tax) to:
Mel Stabin, 147 Ashley Place, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656.
Outside of US, check must be in US dollars and made payable through a US bank or you may pay by postal money order in US dollars.
For Canada, add $5 S&H. For Europe, add $9 S&H.

For orders outside the US and Canada, please note that this video is in NTSC format (not PAL) so be sure your VCR can play this format.
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copyright 2000 Mel Stabin